Track the Cicadas with Your Grandkids


Cool Grandma Alert!

Do you have a grandchild who loves bugs?
If you live in an area of the country that will experience the once in 17 years emergence of the Brood X cicadas you have a big opportunity to create a memory with your budding entomologist.

This is a very nice cicada map showing where and when cicadas will emerge by year. Use this as a guide to determine if your grandchild's state will see emerging cicadas.

It doesn't matter whether you live near or far from your grandchild. This is an opportunity for you to share an interest with your grandchild for a once in seventeen years experience.

Get ready for a once in 17 years emergence of cicadas

Photo Source: (PROD83)

This is an ideal outdoors activity to do with your bug-loving grandchild who is between the ages of 8 and 12. Does the thought of thousands of bugs emerging from the ground creep you out? Just remember they are harmless to humans and pets.
You and your grandchild can research cicadas together. Create a journal with pictures, information, and tracking data for your grandchild's neighborhood.

Bug-loving Kids will love tracking cicadas as they emerge from the ground.

Your Cicada Tracking Game Plan

Step One: Use this link to Print and review the Cicadas Fact Sheet.

Step Three: Download the Cicada Safari app from your phone's app store and help the Behavioral and Natural Sciences at Mount St. Joseph University in Cincinnati, Ohio track this once in seventeen years event. This is an opportunity for you to encourage your curious grandchild to embrace science and record this infrequent event. Your grandchild can take a picture of a cicada that will become part of the research to map and track the Brood X cicadas.

Step Four: Track the number of cicadas you can see at the same time each day. For example, go outside and count the number of cicadas you can find in one minute at noon each day.

Step 5: Take pictures with your phone of the cicadas in your yard.
It’s time to create a memory. This won’t happen again until 2038.

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