Showing posts with label Teenagers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Teenagers. Show all posts

15 Ways to Connect with Teen Grandchildren

Do you find yourself at a loss when trying to connect with your teen grandchildren?  It may be harder to connect as your grandchildren get older, busier, and more independent.

Today we are sharing fifteen ideas for grandmas of teens to add to their bag of tricks.

How to Connect with Your Teen Grandchildren

How to Connect with Teen Grandchildren

1. Connect with regular text messages. Set reminders in your phone or calendar to send an encouraging text to your teen grandchildren at some regular interval. Start with once a week.  Be aware of your grandchild's schedule.  Time the text for early morning, before school, or later in the day.  Don't send a text during school time, sports practice, or a dance class. Keep your message short, sweet, and positive. Don't expect a reply.

2. Use snail mail.  Your teen does not expect to get snail mail.  Do the unexpected and send a note or a card through the US Post Office.  You don't need a reason so choose a schedule that works for you. 

3.  This a good time to dig out old pictures or videos of you and your grandchildren.  You can use a picture as a topic of your text messages.  Just attach the picture to your message.  Remind your grandchild of the events taking place around the picture.

4.  Make a photo book from pictures taken when your grandchild was younger.  Write comments on the pages of the book.

5. Link events in your grandchild's life to your life.  When your grandchild starts a job, tell him/her a story about your first job.  When they learn to drive tell them about your early driving experience or your first car. Focus on elements of the experience that transcend time.  

6. Send favorite snacks through the mail. This is especially great for college students.

7. Surprise your grandchild with a gift card for video gaming, a coffee shop, or gas when they least expect it.

8. Never forget a birthday.  Birthdays are the perfect time to remind your grandchildren how much they mean to you.

9. Talk to your grandchild through periodic phone or video calls.  This can be a challenge with teenagers.  Don't give up.  Let them know you are there for them. Tell them you love them.  Tell them you are proud of them.

10. Make the most of face-to-face visits when you have them.  Car rides are always good ways to get your teen grandchild's attention.  

11.  Cook with your teen.  This is a great time to teach a life skill to your teen grandchild.  Have your teen choose a favorite recipe.  Schedule a date to cook together.  You can even do this from a distance through a video call.  Cooking with your teen grandchild in preparation for a holiday is a wonderful way to share a holiday tradition.

12.  Schedule a date with your teen.  Take your teen grandchild to a favorite breakfast or lunch spot. Be prepared with stories about them from when they were little.  They will love to laugh with you about the cute things they did as a child.  Weave some questions into the conversation about what is going on in their life today.  Just don't make it an inquisition.

13. Ask for help.  Give your teen grandchild an opportunity to be useful.  Perhaps you could use some help with preparing your garden or climbing a ladder to reach high windows when washing them.  Make this an activity you can do together so you have an opportunity to chat.

14. Share a skill.  Invite your teen to learn to do something you love.  Do you refinish furniture?  Invite your teen grandchild to refinish a table or a dresser for his/her room.  Do you paint?  Invite your teen to a paint-with-me session.  Do you garden?  Invite your teen to plant some flowers or vegetables in a section of your garden.

15. Listen.  Leave judgment aside and listen carefully to your teen grandchild.  Pay attention to their feelings and challenges.  Teen years are full of change.  It may be hard to keep up.  Show your support by demonstrating you are always there for them.

Seven Favorite Gifts for Preschoolers

The gift-giving season can be challenging for grandmas.  Today I want to share some of my favorite gifts for the little ones in my life wi...